
Prickly Pear Margarita
Recipe • 2 oz Philters Mezkahl • 1 oz Lime Juice • 1 oz Prickly Pear Syrup: crafted with Maya Tea Co’s Prickly Pear Herbal Blend Prickly Pear Syrup:• Steep 4 tbsp of...

Wiski Cherry Smash
Ingredients 2oz Wiski 2oz of Monin Cherry Smash Cocktail Mixer 6 Mint Leaves 2 Luxardo Cherries Soda Water Instructions: Add the Wiski, 2 Luxardo Cherries & Mint Leaves to a...

Jynn & Tonic
Ingredients 2oz Jynn 4oz of Tonic Water 2 slices of Lime Tall or Highball Glass Instructions: Fill your tall or highball glass with ice Add 2oz of Jynn Squeeze 2 lime wedges into...

Wiski Sour
Ingredients 1.5oz Wiski 1oz of lemon juice 1oz maple syrup optional: orange wedge and luxardo cherry for garnish Instructions: Add the Wiski, lemon juice & maple syrup to a cocktail shaker....

Ruhm Palmer
Ingredients 2oz Ruhm 2oz of lemonade 2oz black tea glass filled with ice lemon wedge Instructions: Fill the glass with ice. Measure and pour 2oz of Ruhm over the ice. Add...

Spicy Margarita
Ingredients 2oz Mezkahl 2oz of fresh lime juice 2oz agave jalapeno slices lime wedge for salting the rim (optional) Instructions: Rim the glass: If you want to add a salted...

Ingredients 1.5oz Mezkahl 4oz of grapefruit soda 10oz glass filled with ice lime wedge or grapefruit for seasoning the rim Instructions: Rim the glass: If you want to add a...

Ruhm & Cola
Ingredients 1.5oz Ruhm 6oz of your favorite cola 16oz glass filled with ice Lime wedge Instructions: Fill the 16oz glass with ice. Measure and pour 1.5oz of Ruhm over the...